The Transformation of Cockfighting into a Booming Industry

Senator says online cockfighting brings more social harm than financial  good - BusinessWorld Online

A dwindling bloodsport with about 200,000 mostly poor rural participants in the Philippines four years ago has suddenly become a big business that is also making money for high-rolling Chinese and Vietnamese gamblers.

From Niche to Mainstream

Until now, cockfighting--locally called "sabong"--was provincial even for the provinces. But online cockfighting or "e-sabong" has become mainstream, giving the illegal sport a broader reach in a largely impoverished nation.

The Desire for Immediacy

An important contributor to the growth of this industry is easily accessible and affordable online cockfighting. It may hold special appeal for the country's "video game generation," as minimum bets run low at $2 and up, offering a taste of gaming-like gambling with minimal investment. Indeed, the immediacy of placing bets and watching results online - all without leaving home or even having to find a bookie in person - has helped attract this age group known for its reliance on technology. With its online extension, cockfighting has not only reached more people but it has also broken the boundaries imposed by distance for real life pitting as it was back in time (lets face) on physical game arenas.

A Booming Industry

The figures are staggering — in the Philippines, online cockfighting is now attracting tens of millions of dollars each day from bets. The state-run Philippine Cockfighting Commission, which regulates the sport is [sic] online betting licenses to a bevy of platforms received last year have further cemented one of Manila's most lucrative businesses. Nowadays, this pastime has made a massive comeback and is one of the industries that drives most money. There are thousands of jobs in the industry, from breeders and trainers through to bookmakers and tracks themselves - contributing stratospherically to local economies.

Concerns and Controversies

The establishment of online cockfights by now does not come without problems and controversies. Critics, including animal rights activists, have called cock fighting barbaric as the birds frequently suffer serious injuries and death in fights. There are also concerns around the addictive nature of virtual betting and potentially creating a financial headache for others. Such have been the maze regulators had to find their way around with an always expanding industry.


Regardless, one thing is for sure: cockfighting has become big business in the Philippines and appeals to an ever younger group of fans. The change has largely been fueled by the convenience and accessibility of digital, which are almost single-handedly responsible for making more people aware of this ever-extending game. With this industry into further growth regulators are going to need a better way of helping properly manage it in order that the welfare regarding what is arguably our most faithful companion does not suffer. Of course, it is also important to pick a trusted and licensed license operator when anybody desire to try their hand in online cockfighting such as SafeOnlineCasinosPH where you can find reviews on the best sites available for e-sabong in Philippines.

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